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weitere Informationen / further information

General Information on Longwave

73,136 and 160-190 kHz Amateur VLF Page (many links and hints)
Long Wave Club of America (the organisation for LOWFERS in the US)
DARC OV Nienberge VLF Info (links to other parts of the longwave world)
DARC e.V. HF-Refarat (zum Thema Langwelle)
Information on the "Peter Bobek (DJ8WL sk) Trans Atlantic Challenge Cup"
AMRAD (LF enthusiasts on the other side of the pond)

LF-Mail Archives

Packet Radio Archive (all VLF@EU messages since 1996)
The AMRAD mail archive

Individual Longwave Homepages

CT1DRP (Brian is the first CT station with an LF license)
DF2PY (have a look at this setup and see, why Wolf has such a BIG signal)

DF3LP (137 kHz transmitter: quick and easy, "mysterious birch-tree" antenna)
DF8ZR (Bernd has a lot of hints and tips to build a longwave station, in German)
DJ1YFK (Fabian is the youngest LF ham in Europe)
DL1SAN (has got some information on his transcever and antenna)
DL2KCL (Andreas has an impressive 6 mH loading coil)
DL4YHF (Wolf is op of DF0WD, often heard with a strong signal, author of Spectrum Lab)
F5MAF (Marc has a WAV archive of LF stations he heard)
Gamal (not yet licensed is a very active longwave listener)
G3LDO (Peter has some interesting technical digests from the RSGL reflector and the errata for the LF-Handbook)
G3NYK (Alan has no transmission equipment for LF yet, but he has become a propagation expert for LF)
G3XDV (Mike coordinates the trans-Atlantic frequencies and has other interesting suff about LF)
G3YXM (Dave has always the latest news)
G0MRF (1/4 kW PA Info and other interesting LF projects)
GW4ALG (with information on how to set up a balloon antenna in the back yard)
I5TGC (has some interesting top load)
KA7EOI (with information on QRSS)
NL9222, Ko, has a lot of valuable information on his page
OH1TN (with some nice pictures of his beautiful antenna)
OK1FIG (with reports on his first succesful longwave QSOs)
ON7YD (Rik was my first "outside Germany" station, Rik has a large amount of excellent LF information on his site)
OM2TW (with some nice pictures from Slovakia)
RN6BN (Sam has some nice photographs of his impressive station)
RU6LA (do you speak Russian?)
SM6LMK (with a description of a antenna impedance meter and an LF converter)
K0LR (lots of links)
VE7SL (good information on what to consider before you start on 136 kHz)
VK2ZTO (LowFer Info from Down Under, longwave from another perspective)

Spectrogram (and other receiving software for Slow-CW using Soundcard)

Petr, OK1FIG wrote a new user surface for the Spectrogram.DLL named EasyGram
DL9QJ (large collection of Sounblaster compatible software, including Spectrogram)
Spectran (another DSP/FFT Program, of the authors of Hamview)
ARGO, a special QRSS viewer (made by the authors of Spectran)
AF9Y FFTDSP Software (32.- US$ registration fee, interesting features, DOS-based)
W6/PA0ZN (has a complete link-page dedicated to the reception of weak signals)

Transmitting Software for Slow-CW

QRSS-Software V2.05, for Windows 3.1 and 95/98, written by Rik, ON7YD
Latest Version QRSS 3.17, also written by Rik

Software for transmitting and receiving PSK31, HELL, RTTY and BPSK

PSK31 is a teletype mode that has a very low bandwidth (31 Hz)
HamScope is a new software for PSK31, RTTY, ASCII, etc.  with Forward Error Control (FEC)
ZL1BPU has a lot of information on all kinds of HELL modes
IZ8BLY has a very good HELLSCHREIBER software (freeware)
NL9222 has an excellent software collection

Longwave Propagation/Antennas/Noise

Alan, G3NYK provides a regular propagation analysis
Propagation of long Radio Waves (VK3ACA)
G4FGQ's Free Radio Software (How to calculate a T-antenna, for example)

There is an animated map showing where all the nasty sferics come from
Noise cancelling article by Derek, G3GRO
Great article by Rik, ON7AD on LF antennas
Gamal has some good information on longwave propagation (PDF-file, direct download)
W4RNL notes on antenna modelling

DX-Cluster Information

Actual DX Cluster Information for 137 kHz

Longwave Equipment

Reichelt Elektronik, a good source for the IRFP 450 FET
Nevada (they have the Ropex "First" transmitter for 136 kHz and other LF stuff)
S&S-Engineering (N3SAD) has the 0- 50 MHz/1Hz step DDS-VFO
AA1A has a very simple transverter setup for VLF
PCS-Electronics has a 2 Watt LF Exciter that you can put into an ISA slot your computer

Selected VLF links (Ham Radio Transmitting Experiments Below 9 kHz)

Larry, KC6QPO has experimented with 3.5 kHz and reached 2.1 miles!
Renato, IK1QFK has a very comprehensive VLF/ELF site with many links
VK2ZTO (has successfully experimented on 8975 Hz with ground electrodes)

Surplus Equipment (Good Sources for Receivers or Exciters)

Rainer Förtig - Elektronik (surplus including old East-German stuff)
Helmut Singer (not cheap, but has got all kinds of high quality surplus equipment)
Fleemarket on the Internet (search or sell used equipment)
And they have the same in English language now (swap used equipment)

Longwave Literature

Rik, ON7YD keeps an excellent database on further LF-related literature

Longwave History

Fessenden and Marconi: Their Differing Technologies and Transatlantic Experiments During the First Decade of this Century (by John S. Belrose)
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 copyright (c) 2001-2006 by DK8KW, all rights reserved